Free 3D Kitchen Planning online tool
Each Kitchen Cabinet category contains subcategories with full lists of our Cabinets including Prices, Sizes and Stock!
Expand a category to see all of the available sizes for a Kitchen Cabinet type, and then you can drag and drop these into your Kitchen plan.
To select a Cabinet finish, click the top of the Category on any of the Cabinet Finish names and browse finishes from the menu. Alternatively, you can select a single Kitchen Cabinet and change the colour in the top left menu.
To reposition a Kitchen Cabinet from within the plan, simply click on the cabinet and drag it to the new position. To rotate it, click on it once and then click and drag the green arrow to spin it on spot.
To remove a cabinet from the plan, select it by clicking on the cabinet and then press Delete on your Keyboard or click Rubbish bin icon in the top left corner.